Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Upgrade GoLang Linux ARM (Raspberry Pi) to 1.4

"Well, this is weird," I thought, running the upgrade steps once more on my Pi. "Why is it 1.3.3?"

I had run the upgrade a few days ago and a go version cheerfully burped back the 1.4 version. Now it was downgraded.

I re-ran the usual steps...

cd go/src
hg pull
hg update release

...and it still laughed and repeated the 1.3.3 version. Why did it downgrade?

I went to Twitter and asked why it would happen. Someone replied that 1.4 was in git, not mercurial, but then added that there was a tag for "release-1.4" that wasn't moved to "release." 

I'm guessing at one point it was. Then they reverted. I'm not very bright, so I want to upgrade it anyway.

I didn't feel like dealing with the weird aborts I was getting from Mercurial...:

mv go go.old
hg clone -u go1.4 $HOME/go
cd go/src

What happened then?

me@mymachine ~/go/src $ go version
go version go1.4 linux/arm

I changed out the Go subdirectory because I already had other parts of the environment...path variables, for example...already set, so the rebuilding of the source code should work.

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