Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Update to Haiku OS!

In the not so distance past I wrote a quick review of the Haiku operating system (found here). I really liked using it and was very impressed at the work done on the operating system, but I had a terrible time trying to get the most recent nightly builds to run in VirtualBox. Well, it would install, but networking was broken in bridged mode and the SSHD network server wouldn't run. I had to use the old unofficial official release to get most of the features working.

One of the comments to that post told me the network issue had been fixed and suggested I retry the nightly build.

Well, I retried it, and the nightly build worked! I was able to use the latest VirtualBox (VirtualBox-4.3.30-101610 with the nightly build and not only did the bridged network work, but I could now ssh into the Haiku system. And there's a package of the Go language (go version 1.3-porthaiku2 haiku/386) installed through the HaikuDepot!

Despite the issue I had trying to contact the group with the contact form it appears HaikuOS is in active development. The warnings still apply that the nightly builds are not considered stable and what works one day may break the next. But I still believe the operating system is a great achievement and if you have any interest in alternative operating systems you should check it out!

Visit the project page by clicking here!

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