Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Reflection on Coding

There's a subject I've been thinking about lately. I suppose it's more of a feeling than a topic; I'm not even sure how to put it into words.

I have a vague feeling that I've discussed it before, too. In some form. On the other hand, maybe writing about it will help get it out of my head.

The best I've managed to do to express this feeling is to frame it as "elegant beauty," or a kind of beauty that comes from expression through the logic of programming.

It's not that this is an entirely new concept. I've often read descriptions of Ruby as poetic, and there are other works that try examining questions like whether programming is more art than science, or whether programming is poetry.

Perhaps part of this is my own brains weird wiring. I sometimes have trouble understanding poetry; good poetry can "work" on so many levels. Clever word use, double entendre, use of linguistic beats to emphasize points, references to other events and works, parallels to other art forms...I'm sure my wife, an English major, is able to expound on (and expand) the topic far more than I.

Programming adds yet another dimension: it is functional. It takes a language, with its own unique grammar and syntax, and processes input into something else. It's an expression of formulas through rules. If you get the syntax wrong, your work won't compile into a finished product. Programming is notoriously unforgiving when straying from the language rules.

And yet programs that take a set of input and produce the same output can still have so much variety!

I suppose a simple example can use the infamous FizzBuzz program. It's a staple of many a coding interview; relatively simple, it has, over time, become almost cliche (and in some circles, despised, depending on the blogs you read and the type of programmer bemoaning how demeaning it is to be asked to demonstrate it...)

The rules are simple; usually some variant of, "Count from 1 to 100, and if a number is divisible by 3, print "Fizz." If it is divisible by 5, print "Buzz". If it is divisible by 3 and 5, print "FizzBuzz." Otherwise, print the number.

The simplest and most crude way to program this is to literally lay out a program that counts from 0 to 100 and use if statements to output Fizz, Buzz, and FizzBuzz in the appropriate places. It would achieve the goal of the rules, but be highly inefficient and inflexible.

The next step up might be something like this:

// FizzBuzz
package main

import (

func main() {

 // Create a loop to count 1 to 100
 for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ {

  // Create a string variable that gets reinitialized each iteration
  var strOutput string
  strOutput = ""

  // Fizz on 3
  if i%3 == 0 {
   strOutput = strOutput + "Fizz"
  // Buzz on 5
  if i%5 == 0 {
   strOutput = strOutput + "Buzz"
  // Otherwise, output the number
  if strOutput == "" {
   strOutput = strconv.Itoa(i)
  // Print the result


If you know modulo, FizzBuzz is a pretty straightforward logic problem. But what if you didn't know about that piece of math?

// fizzbuzz-simple.go
package main

import (

func main() {

 for a := 1; a <= 100; a++ {

  var strOutput string = ""

  intTmp := a / 3
  if intTmp*3 == a {
   strOutput = "Fizz"

  intTmp = a / 5
  if intTmp*5 == a {
   strOutput = strOutput + "Buzz"

  if strOutput == "" {
   strOutput = strconv.Itoa(a)



This is probably a little be honest, I'm not sure if the compiler would optimize this into similar binary algorithms. But the end result is still the same.

The first issue I'd have with the basic implementation is that it's not very modular. It might be better to use a function to determine the fizzing and the buzzing.

// fizzbuzz-func.go
package main

import (

func main() {

 // Create a loop to count 1 to 100
 for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ {

  // Fizz on 3
  strOutput := CheckMod(i, 3, "Fizz")

  // Buzz on 5
  strOutput = strOutput + CheckMod(i, 5, "Buzz")

  // Otherwise, output the number
  if strOutput == "" {
   strOutput = strconv.Itoa(i)

  // Print the result


func CheckMod(intCount int, intCheck int, strLabel string) string {

 if intCount%intCheck == 0 {
  return strLabel
 } else {
  return ""


This version includes a simple CheckMod() function that can be called to see if the remainder when divided by a supplied integer should get a label; now it takes minimal editing to change the numbers for which Fizz, Buzz, or FizzBuzz are used as output!

And, of course, this still has the same output as the previous versions.

But what if we don't want to keep modifying the source code to alter the Fizz and Buzz triggers? That's simple too.

// fizzbuzz-func-flags.go
package main

import (

func main() {

 intCountTo := flag.Int("countto", 100, "Count from 1 to this number")
 intFirstNum := flag.Int("firstnum", 3, "First number to label")
 strFirstLabel := flag.String("firstlabel", "Fizz", "First label to substitute")
 intSecondNum := flag.Int("secondnum", 5, "Second number to label")
 strSecondLabel := flag.String("secondlabel", "Buzz", "Second label to substitute")

 // Create a loop to count 1 to x
 for i := 1; i <= *intCountTo; i++ {

  // Fizz on y
  strOutput := CheckMod(i, *intFirstNum, *strFirstLabel)

  // Buzz on z
  strOutput = strOutput + CheckMod(i, *intSecondNum, *strSecondLabel)

  // Otherwise, output the number
  if strOutput == "" {
   strOutput = strconv.Itoa(i)

  // Print the result


func CheckMod(intCount int, intCheck int, strLabel string) string {

 if intCount%intCheck == 0 {
  return strLabel
 } else {
  return ""


Now there are command line flags that designate the Fizz and the Buzz (as well as possible new labels for Fizz and Buzz) and the number to count to!

Because there are defaults added in to the flag variables, the default version of this...with no flags set at the command line...will have identical output to the previous applications.

This version added quite a bit of flexibility to the program, and that flexibility is accessible from the command line by the end user. There is another problem, though; if you intend for an end user to use this application, there should be some sanity checking for the things they can change.

// fizzbuzz-func-flags-errcheck.go
package main

import (

// A struct of flags
type stctFlags struct {
 intCountTo     *int
 intFirstNum    *int
 strFirstLabel  *string
 intSecondNum   *int
 strSecondLabel *string

func main() {

 var strctFlags stctFlags

 strctFlags.intCountTo = flag.Int("countto", 100, "Count from 1 to this number")
 strctFlags.intFirstNum = flag.Int("firstnum", 3, "First number to label")
 strctFlags.strFirstLabel = flag.String("firstlabel", "Fizz", "First label to substitute")
 strctFlags.intSecondNum = flag.Int("secondnum", 5, "Second number to label")
 strctFlags.strSecondLabel = flag.String("secondlabel", "Buzz", "Second label to substitute")


 // Create a loop to count 1 to 100
 for i := 1; i <= *strctFlags.intCountTo; i++ {

  // Fizz on 3
  strOutput := CheckMod(i, *strctFlags.intFirstNum, *strctFlags.strFirstLabel)

  // Buzz on 5
  strOutput = strOutput + CheckMod(i, *strctFlags.intSecondNum, *strctFlags.strSecondLabel)

  // Otherwise, output the number
  if strOutput == "" {
   strOutput = strconv.Itoa(i)

  // Print the result


func EvalFlags(strctFlags *stctFlags) {

 if *strctFlags.intCountTo <= 0 {

  fmt.Println("-countto must be greater than 0")

 if *strctFlags.intFirstNum <= 0 {

  fmt.Println("-firstnum must be greater than 0")

 if *strctFlags.strFirstLabel == "" {

  fmt.Println("-firstlabel must have a text label")

 if *strctFlags.intSecondNum <= 0 {

  fmt.Println("-secondnum must be greater than 0")

 if *strctFlags.strSecondLabel == "" {

  fmt.Println("-secondlabel must have a text label")

 // Done

func CheckMod(intCount int, intCheck int, strLabel string) string {

 if intCount%intCheck == 0 {
  return strLabel
 } else {
  return ""


Now the application checks for things like labels being set to some kind of string and not an empty string, and all the numbers are set to something greater than 0. Basic error checking.

And once again...the output, by default, will match the output of the previous programs!

These are all rather straightforward. It doesn't really take advantage of features specific to Go, like channels (Here is the link to the Go playground implementation from Russ Cox, reproduced here:)

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
 c := generate()
 c = filter(c, 3, "Fizz")
 c = filter(c, 5, "Buzz")
 for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ {
  if s := <-c; s != "" {
  } else {

func generate() <-chan string {
 c := make(chan string)
 go func() {
  for {
   c <- ""
 return c

func filter(c <-chan string, n int, label string) <-chan string {
 out := make(chan string)
 go func() {
  for {
   for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
    out <- <-c
   out <- <-c + label
 return out

I should note that I created a blog past blog post that explored the channels implementation above...

The simple Fizz Buzz test in the forms above have the same output, but it's accomplished in many ways. I'm sure there are people who would be able to send variations that also have the same end result using a different algorithmic logic; logical, and possessing a strict set of rules that must conform to the expectations of the compiler, but still arriving to the same destination through different means.

To understand the source code means twisting your brain into understanding how the programmer responsible for the source code thinks and expresses his or her way of thinking against those rules of the programming language's grammar and syntax.

The examples above are a peek into some of the evolution in my own thinking about how to program a task, how my own thinking in Go had gradually focused on aspects to increase maintainability and flexibility while accomplishing a goal. I wonder if this is the kind of evolution that is looked for by interviewers for programming jobs...although that's a dangerous thought, considering that the expectation for defining the rungs of skill on that ladder of skill could be dangerously arbitrary.

I'm still refining my methods of modeling tasks when programming. I'm changing workflows, how I comment, and what I comment. I still occasionally reel back, perplexed, when seeing some samples of other people's code and have no idea why...or how...they thought the problem through the way they did.

Each sample I write or read is a reflection of the person who wrote it.

Sometimes I wonder what my own reflects about me.

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